What is save, publish, unpublish and archive Onboarding Page


An Onboarding Page can be set or created in the Journey section of the Onboarding module. Creating an onboarding page allows newly hired employees to be onboarded virtually. These are some terms you should familiarise yourself with:

SaveSave changes that you have made.
PublishSave changes and make the content visible to employees in their app.
UnpublishHide content. Employees will NOT be able to view this onboarding page.
ArchiveTo store obsolete onboarding pages. This moves the onboarding page to the archived tab.


To save, publish and archive an Onboarding Page:


1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.


2. Click Others > Onboarding > Journey.


3. On the right of the section, click Edit.




4. Click ArchiveSave or Publish Now to save changes.




To publish and unpublish an Onboarding Page:


1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.


2. Click Others > Onboarding > Journey.


3. On the right of the Onboarding Page, toggle switch ON (green) to publish and OFF (grey) to unpublish.