What is apply, cancel, withdraw and resubmit leaves:

This section allows you, as an employee, to view and manage your leaves. There are some terms you should familiarise yourself with:

Submit a leave request.
Cancel or Withdraw
Withdraw a pending leave or cancel an approved leave.
Resubmitting a rejected or withdrawn leave.


To apply for leave:

1. On your web app homepage, click on Leaves.

2. On the top right, click New Leave.

3. Select your leave policy.

4. Select your leave dates.

5. Click Confirm.

6. Review your leave request and select half day, if applicable.

7. Confirm by clicking Submit.

To cancel or withdraw a leave:

1. On your web app homepage, click on Leaves.

2. Click the My Requests tab. 

3. Click on the leave. 

4. Scroll down. Click Withdraw or Cancel Now.

To resubmit a leave:

1. On your web app homepage, click on Leaves.

2. Click the Withdrawn tab or My Requests > Rejected.

3. Click on the leave.

4. Scroll down. Click Resubmit.

5. Review your leave request and select half day, if applicable.

6. Confirm by clicking Submit.