What is People Module 

The People Module, is altHR's Employee Database. This is where admins are able to digitise employee information, login settings, and the company's overall Organisational Chart. There are several steps that must be completed in Setting up the People Module : 

1. Complete Set Up of Company Module 

2. Set Up Organisations (Or skip to step 4)

3. Set Up Positions (Or skip to Step 4) 

4. Bulk Import Organisations and Employees 

5. Set Up Approval Routings 

6. Configure App Settings

7. Set Up Personal Assistants if needed 

7. Set Up Out of Office Delegations if needed

To learn how to Set Up the People Module from the start, read How to Set Up People Module

What are App Settings in People Module Settings ?

App Settings is where Admins can configure the settings for employee profile, configure notification settings, create and manage custom fields and employee tags, configure employee's QR code information, and configure password settings for employees' login. Below, we will go through the settings of each portion that can be utilised and customised.

Password Settings 

Admins are able to customise employee's login password settings to enhance security and accuracy of employee logins. There are three main settings that Admins can customise: 

  • Password Expiry - This causes employee's passwords to expire after a certain amount of time so that employees are required to reset their passwords regularly
  • Password History - This disables employees from reusing their most recent passwords when they are resetting their passwords.
  • Single Sign-On - This enforces employees to login using Microsoft or Google SIngle Sign-On (SSO) instead of keying in their username and password. This further ensures that employees are only signing into their own accounts, which are linked to their Google or Microsoft accounts.

To Configure Password Settings

1. On your admin dashboard, head to the left panel.

2. Click People > Settings.

3. Click on the App Settings > Password Settings

4. To Activate Employee's Password Expiry, toggle the setting ON. If not, Leave it toggled OFF

5. Input the number of days after which the password will expire and employees will need to reset their passwords.

6. To Enforce Password History Policy, toggle the setting ON.  If not, Leave it toggled OFF

7. Set the number of past passwords that the employee will not be able to reuse

8. To Enforce Single Sign On, toggle the setting ON. If not, leave the setting OFF. 

9. Select who Single Sign on will be enforced for by toggling On the switch. 

Note: When enforcing SSO, please ensure that your email account supports Google or Microsoft SSO. If you accidentally enforced SSO and are unable to login, please contact [email protected].