What is Leaves Module 

The Leaves Module, is where Admins can digitalised the Leave application and management process for the company. Admins are able configure leave policies accordingly, view and manage employee's leave requests and balances as well as configure the approval routings. 

What are Leave Balances? 

Leave Balances are the remaining leave days an employee has out of their leave entitlement. Employees will have different leave balances for different leave policies, based on their entitlement for that leave policy and how many days of leave they have utilised. 

To view employee's leave balance

1. Head to Leaves > Balances

2. Search for the employee's name

3. You can have a quick view of the

Understanding Leave Balance Summary

In the employee's Leave Balance Summary, you can have a quick glance at the general adjustment, replacement credit, and carry forward leaves, expired leave, and added or deducted to the employee's leave. Here is also where admins will be able to make Entitlement Modifications for their employees.

1. Follow the steps above by heading to Leaves > Balances > Search Employee and click View

2. You will find it under the section "LEAVE POLICIES" after the section "EMPLOYEE INFORMATION". Select the Annual Leave policy, or the Leave Policy that you wish to view.

3. Scroll down and you will be able to see the breakdown for Entitlement, Deduction and Balance.

Understanding Entitlement : 

  • Current Cycle Entitlement - The basic entitlement of this leave policy based on the policy settings
  • Entitlement Adjustment - Any Adjustments made by the admin via 'Modify' or using the Bulk Adjust template. 
  • Replacement Credit - Any currently valid Replacement Credits awarded to the employee via approved application or admin provision
  • Expired Replacement Credit - Any currently Expired Replacement credits as of the date of viewing this summary, based on the expiry date set for the credit. 
  • Carry Forward (from previous cycle) - Any currently valid unutilised leaves that have been brought forward from the previous year entitlement.
  • Expired Carry Forward - Any currently Expired Carry Forward Leaves as of the date of viewing this summary based on the expiry date set for the carry forward leave. 
  • Replacement Credit from previous cycle unutilised this cycle - Any Replacement Credits that were unutilised in the last leave cycle that admins have enabled to carry forward to this cycle. 
  • Carry Forward from previous cycle unutilised this cycle - Any Carry Forward leaves from 2 cycles back, that were unutilised in the last leave cycle that admins have enabled to carry forward to this cycle.

Understanding Deductions

  • Utilised - any leave days that have been applied, approved, and the date of the leave has passed. 
  • Planned Leave - any leave days that have been applied, approved, and the date of the leave has not yet passed.
  • Pending Approval - any leave days that have been applied, but have not yet been approved. 
  • Forfeited - any Carry Forward leaves or Replacement Credits that have expired and cannot be used. 
  • Carry Forward Deduction (to next cycle) - any leave days that have been deducted from this leave cycle to be added into the next leave cycle, as of the day of viewing this summary.

Understanding Effective Balance 

  • Current Cycle Entitlement - The remaining balance from the basic entitlement of this leave policy based on the policy settings
  • Replacement Credit - The remaining balance of any currently valid Replacement Credits awarded to the employee via approved application or admin provision
  • Carry Forward (from previous cycle) - The remaining balance of any currently valid unutilised leaves that have been brought forward from the previous year entitlement.

       Admins can also refer to any Limits per cycle that have been set for this Leave Policy.

4. Under the change log, you will be able to see all the changes made to the employee's balance for the following as well as the dates and remarks:

  • Type: General Adjustment - Adjustments made manually by the Admin, via the Modify Entitlement button 
  • Type: Replacement Credit - Automatically logged by the system when an employee is awarded a Replacement Credit.
  • Type: Carry Forward Leave - Automatically logged by the system when an employee has Carry Forward Leaves added to this cycle, or admin uses the Carry Forward function in Balances > More Actions to carry leaves from this leave cycle to the next leave cycle.

Employee's Yearly Detailed Report

If all the above is not sufficient, you can export the employee's yearly detailed report to have a full overview of the leave entitlement, adjustment, and balance.

To download the employee's yearly detailed report:

1. Follow the above steps to land on the Leave Balance Summary page of the employee and click the "Export Yearly Detailed Report".

2. Open the excel file and you will be able to view the employee's leave balance and record in details.

After comparing the leave report in the system and your own record, if you find any discrepancy, do reach out to us!